High-throughput Screening

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Service/ High-throughput Screening

XGen now offers high-throughput screening services for mRNA sequences, cationic lipids, lipid formulations, and preparation conditions, supporting the research and development of your RNA therapeutic projects. Additionally, XGen provides a powerful one-stop platform offering gene synthesis, plasmid preparation, linearization, linear mRNA/circular RNA preparation, and LNP encapsulation, saving time and costs for your projects.


LNPs have been proven to be an effective delivery system for RNA therapeutics, as they are relatively easy to degrade in vivo. The lipid structure of LNPs can fuse with the cell membrane, allowing the encapsulated RNA to enter the cells and exert its therapeutic effects. Furthermore, LNPs protect the encapsulated RNA from degradation, enhancing its bioavailability.



Service Information
Screening Direction Specifications QC Check
mRNA Sequence 0.3 mL,encapsulating 15 - 20 μg mRNA Encapsulation rate :>85% Cell experiments
Cationic Lipids 1.0 mL,encapsulating 50 - 65 μg mRNA Particle Size :<100nm Animal experiments
Lipid Formulation   PDI :<0.2  
Preparation Conditions      
Manufacturing Workflow
Our integrated IVT RNA manufacturing workflow streamlines production from gene synthesis to LNP packaging.
Quality Control and Specification
Project Detection Testing Standards Standard QC Advanced QC
Appearance Visual observation Clear and free of foreign particles
Final Concentration RiboGreen assay 0.05 - 0.2 mg/mL
Encapsulation Efficiency RiboGreen assay >85%
Encapsulated RNA Integrity Bioanalyzer >75% ×
Partical Size DLS

MC3-LNP   80 - 110 nm

SM102-LNP   65 - 125 nm

Lipid 5-LNP   65 - 125 nm

ALC0315-LNP   50 - 100 nm



Zeta Potential DLS

± 15.0 mV

pH pH paper

7.4 ± 0.5

Endotoxin Quantitative

<10 EU/mL

Bioburden LAL endotoxin detection


What are lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) ?

LNPs are a mixture of natural or synthetic molecules that can self assemble into spherical structures. They are typically composed of a lipid layer that forms an outer shell, with an isolated inner area that can be used to deliver drugs or other medications. Due to their ability to protect drug molecules from degradation and improve their bioavailability, LNPs are gaining significant attention as drug delivery systems.

LNPs can also be designed to target specific cells or tissues for more precise drug delivery. They have widely been used for in applications such as delivering RNA-based therapeutics, including mRNA vaccines. The lipid layer of LNPs can fuse with the cell membrane, facilitating the entry of encapsulated RNA into cells to exert its therapeutic effect. Additionally, LNPs are being studied as potential delivery systems for other types of drugs, including small molecules and proteins.


What lengths of RNA can be encapsulated into LNPs?

Our LNP service encapsulates RNA lengths between 20 n.t. - 10,000 n.t.
What are the differences between the LNP formulations that we provide?
  1. MC3: The first clinically approved LNP for siRNA delivery to the liver; also used for mRNA delivery.
  2. SM102: Used in Moderna's COVID vaccine formulation; commonly administered via intramuscular injection but also effective for liver delivery.
  3. ALC0315: Utilized in BioNTech/Pfizer's COVID vaccine formulation; primarily for intramuscular injection.
  4. LP01: Clinically validated for liver delivery of gene editors (Cas9 mRNA + gRNA).
Are those traditional LNP formulations cell or organ targeted?
All of these LNP formulation (MC3 / SM102/ ALC0315 or LP01) do not feature active targeting capabilities, resulting in their tendency to accumulate in the liver rather than targeting specific tissues. However, if organ-specific LNP formulations are required, we can provide customized solutions tailored to customer needs. Please contact our technical support team for further details.
Which lipid do we recommend for mRNA delivery?
All four formulations are clinically validated. We recommend SM102 and ALC0315 LNPs for vaccine-related applications, while LP01 and MC3 are ideal for liver-targeted delivery. Off-the-shelf LNPs loaded with mRNA encoding marker genes are available for initial studies to support your project needs.
Which lipid do we recommend for delivery of small oligo?
MC3-LNP has been successfully used for siRNA delivery in liver gene silencing.

